Thinking of joining It’s Just Lunch in Modesto, CA? Consumer beware!
Check out their terrible online reviews and hundreds of complaints on trusted review sites like Yelp and you will be thankful that you didn’t spend 5, 7 or 10 thousand dollars on a matchmaking membership with It’s Just Lunch.
But don’t worry because we are the superior alternative to the overhyped matchmaking service It’s Just Lunch in Modesto. Our local matchmaking service offers a place where you can meet amazing local professionals completely offline and in a private way.
Our Modesto matchmakers are going to get to know you personally and get familiar with your unique dating preferences and standards and then we will conduct extensive searches from within our database to find you compatible matches that will meet your dating requirements.
All of your introductions will take place at the location of your choice and the time when is convenient for you. We are going to provide you quality introductions with some of the most amazing local singles who live right here in Modesto, California.
Our local members live in Modesto and come from different age groups, career fields, religious beliefs and ethnic backgrounds. Our database is very diverse and has the most amazing members that are genuinely looking to find love.
Join today and let our Modesto matchmakers take over the difficult parts of dating for you.